Well, following Yann's criteria for what makes (to
my mind at least) for bad anime, here goes:
1). I'm sure I'll be reamed for this, but Kite
tops the list. I'm sorry, but as a person who has
friends who have been raped (drugged first in one
case), there is NO good way that all the rape
scenes that are shown in that anime could possibly
justify the storyline. Yes, rape happens, yes
it's awful to watch in just about any movie, but
in Kite it is over the top. The story line isn't
all that creative either--girl's parents die, girl
is taken in by man who really is a bad guy and
just wanted a sex toy, girl is a *whoo!* trained
assassin (aren't they all, nowadays?), girl kills
tons of men in business suits (yup, like Noir),
girl gets raped a whole bunch before getting even
with bad guy, etc etc etc. The art is kind of
neat, as is the music, but taste-wise, this anime
disgusts me. I can't find any redeeming value
from having watched it--in fact, I've felt rather
violated emotionally ever since I saw it (and I
got about 2/3 of the way through it before I was
forced to turn it off out of pure disgust).
2). Now for the biggest one people will disagree
with me on, I'm sure, but here goes: Fushigi
Yuugi. I admit that it starts out with a
captivating plotline and entertaining characters
(albeit recycled, but what plot isn't recycled
nowadays?). But the whole focus on Miaka and
Tamahome (we're together! No, we're not! Yes, we
are! No, we're not! Oh look, Miaka's best friend
is in love with Tamahome to complicate it more...
etc. etc. etc.) not only gets old, but overshadows
the plot throughout the bulk of the anime. Plus
this whole load of hooey that all the other
available men fall for Miaka, who isn't that
admirable or likeable a heroine to begin with. I
don't think so. I watched it up to ep
30-something (right before Nuriko leaves the
stage, so to speak) before I couldn't take it any
more. Any plot that was left was overshadowed by
the Miaka-Tamahome-everyone else love triangle.
Frankly, it felt like a bad soap. Addictive
perhaps, but bad all the same. :prepares to get
hate mail:
3). Another one I expect to get reamed for: Saber
Marionette J. Plot-wise, it's okay, although the
whole "evil emperor thing" starts to get old after
a while. Not to mention that some dorky kid like
Otaru is never going to defeat such a huge baddie
in any realistic light. But what really did it
for me was the characters--in a word, BORING.
(Except for the gay guy that Koyasu-san played who
was totally hilarious and kept me watching even
the two volumes I saw). I think it's the same
issue for me in this one as I had with FY--I
cannot believe that all these hot females would
all fall for some total loser like Otaru. He's
not appealing as a hero, any more than Miaka is
appealing as a heroine. Plus, I wanted to kill
Cherry from the moment she showed up, just because
her character is so irritating!!! And I don't
mean Merle-irritating, where she can grow on you
and mature somewhat. Cherry is annoying, period.
4). Well, a number of people have named other
anime I've never been interested to watch, or have
seen like 10 minutes of: Sailor Moon, Dragonball.
And although I'm somewhat of a fan of Brain Powerd
(just for Yuu and Hime, really), it falls way
short compared to Escaflowne, which is one of the
smoothest, overall best anime series I have
watched to date (even with the big noses, hee
hee). Noir does admittedly get old, as does
BGC2040 and Those Who Hunt Elves (which I never
saw the end of). Kodocha can get irritating after
30 episodes of repeated plot stuff (although
Hayama is awesome), as did Hana Yori Dango (man,
try following the manga if you want to talk about
endless love triangles... argh! Resolve it
already and move on!!!). But when it comes to bad
plots, I haven't seen anything that was more
difficult or boring to watch than the above three.