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Re: What are Some of Bad Anime you watched??? (Fri May 30 06:50:38 2003 )
Fever's Break [View profile ]

I'm sure I've repressed allot of the baaad 
memories, but here are a few I can think of....

1. I'd have to say that most anime in the genre 
of Plastic Little have absolutely no redeeming 
value. But of course I'm a girl so I would say 

2. Original Gundam- I really liked Gundam Wing 
(which BTW I am expecting to see pop up in 
somone's list eventually) so I had to see 
the "series that started it all." The only thing 
it started for me was a good nap. And they kept 
playing that stupid song whenever any mech was 
deployed. Damn near drove me crazy. 

3.Likewise with G Gundam- I've heard it described 
as "unhinged." I heartily agree. And what's with 
those stupid names....

4. Any of the "tentacle sex" genre- I actually 
read in a book that anaylzed anime that what it 
symbolized was the female body as being 
alternately something powerful and something 
controlled and abused by males which was supposed 
to be a metaphor for the contradictory and 
changing way that women are viewed in Japanese 
culture. So I went out and rented a bunch of La 
Blue Girl. Maybe I was laughing too hard, but I 
completely missed the deeper meaning.

5. Everyone repeat after me......Pokemon.
(But try telling that to my 5 yr old nephew)

Well, hope I haven't completely offended anyone, 
but I had to get it out of my system.


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