Here's my list of worst anime:
1) Licensed by Royal- I watched half of the
first episode. The damn plot (if it could be
called that) moved so slow! I kept watching (ep
1) in hopes that a little action might pick it
up, but nope.
2) Mouse- The character designs are good. Being
a girl, I'm not exactly HAPPY to see jiggling
breasts, panty shots, and s&m wear, but if it's
funny/got a plot, I don't mind. Again, watched 1
ep (but at least I watched the whole thing!) and
didn't go back.
3) Tenchi in Tokyo- I'll probably get flamed to
high heaven for this one. Sorry people, I can't
stand it. I got it as soon as it was released,
so if it helps, I formed my opinion on my own.
I'm not saying it just because everyone else
hates it (or seems to). It's just... *shudder*,
y'know? Maybe it's an acquired taste.
4) Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu- Ok, I don't
mind weird anime, but... this was just a bit TOO
weird. I just couldn't get into it. Maybe if I
got drunk before watching it or something...