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Re: What are Some of Bad Anime you watched??? (Fri May 30 15:47:00 2003 )
blueheaven [View profile ]

Man, where to begin?

Bubblegum Crisis- Never saw the appeal to this 
series, or its latter incarnations.

Fist of the North Star- Bad movie with even worse 

Akira- Yup, it may have been revolutionary at the 
time, but it is old hat now.

Overfiend- An hour of my life that I'll never get 

Porco Rosso- Ghibli took a swing and a miss with 
this piece of crap.

G Gundam and Gundam Wing- Sue me, but I'd rather 
watch C-Span. I have no interest in watching 
pretty boys play war.

And finally, Sailor Moon- It's a girl thing, I 
know. My "Y" chromosome just will not allow me to 
enjoy that show on any level.

As for some of the shows listed here, I did like 
Angel Links, but only because I was not expecting 
it to be on the same level as Outlaw Star. Also 
liked Elementalors and the Tenchi OVA.

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