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Re: What are Some of Bad Anime you watched??? (Fri May 30 07:27:31 2003 )
emi [View profile ]


oooo...I have to say Chobits and I know I'm 
going to get hatemail now!  I finally got around 
to watching the 1st ep and maaaaan I love CLAMP 
but robot girl? personality-less? too cliche and 
annoying, I think I'm the only person in the 
world who doesn't find "Hideki! Hideki! Hideki!" 
a cute thing

Also Tenchi in Tokyo...erk

Ghost in the Shell - philisophical gobbldy 
gook...I'm all for getting deep in anime, but 
try to be interesting while doing it, so boring 
I fell asleep both times I tried to watch it

hehe and my last hatemail inducing one from 
recently....dum dum dum...Inu Yasha!  I don't 
hate it, but I love Rumiko Takahashi's work so 
much and am bored to tears by this series, 
started out great, but really has very little 
wacky humor and cliched monster Sailor moon type 
plot line to me, I was so dissapointed by this 
(although I know for sure I am the supreme 
miniority on this opinion)

But then people have listed some anime here that 
I love so your milege may vary :)

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