I thought of another anime that must be added to
my list right now, even if no one finds this to
read it.
5. Slayers - I bought the tv box set (I believe)
very pumped up about watching the show. An
anime, set in a medieval setting with fantasy
and magic. I was sooo excited to watch it. But
then I watched the first two dvds in terror... I
was bored out of my skull. All that seemed to
happen in the action-less, wordless, music-less
show was that they killed a dragon. One lousy
dragon, and the characters were pourly written
in. I would actually rate this show worse than
Escaflowne, simply because at least Escaflowne
tried to always have something going on, they
just failed miserably. BUT Slayers, most of the
show was people walking, in silence *sigh* |