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Re: What are Some of Bad Anime you watched??? (Fri May 30 17:49:05 2003 )
graymouser [View profile ]

I'm sure that I'm going to have a lot of people 
mad at me but here it goes.

1) Utena- I admit I have only seen the rose 
collection, but I found it very boring. I started 
to fast forward through the parts where Utena 
climbs the stairs to the duel because I just 
couldn't stand it to watch the same long build up 
again and again. I am still not clear on why they 
were all fighting in the first place. Anthy 
seemed rather spineless.

2) Princess Rouge- The art was pretty, but I just 
couldn't get into the story. Another spineless 

3) Evangelion- I couldn't get past the first few 

4) Akira and Metropolis- I just didn't care for 
the art nor the stories.

5) Gasaraki- I enjoyed the start of it but then 
the story went nowhere.

6)Dragonball- I admit I have only seen pieces of 
it, but I just didn't get the plot. Maybe I'd 
feel differently if I saw it from the begining. I 
also do not care for the artwork.

7)X/1999- very pretty, but I can only watch 
pretty for so long. I just did not get the 

I have to admit that although I love FY I have to 
agree with many of the previous critisms listed. 
I can't stand weak, stupid and/or whiney female 
characters. Miaka annoyed the hell out of me. 
(Probably why the only cels I have of her is 
where she is being attacked or about to be 
attacked.)I also found the romantic bits rather 
sappy. Fortunately, the comedy, artwork, plot 
twists and other characters made up for it.


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