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Re: Re: Re: What are Some of Bad Anime you watched??? (Sun Jun 1 05:01:21 2003 )
arrian [View profile ]


Heh, first time I saw Slayers I thought "Hey, 
this looks like... No this IS Dungeons and 
Dragons. I think I played this campaign when I 
was in highschool!"  So it's got a bit of 
nostalgia value, that and I find it pretty funny, 
but I'll be the first to admit that I'm easily 
amused. So our opinions differ, but I'm not 
exactly a unbiased judge.

As far as bad anime goes, I'd say "Moldiver" 
doesn't have much to recommend it.  It's mediocre 
in pretty much every respect: Sort of original 
but not very. Kind of funny, but not really. 
Decent animation and artwork, but not 
outstanding.  It kind of has a plot, but not much 
of one. I can't recall any of the music so I'll 
wager it was neither terrible nor wonderful. 
Really, for a 5 or 6 episode OAV, you would think 
they could have done a better job telling a story 
across the whole thing rather than making the 
plot for each episode basically the same but with 
different equipment.  (One episode is cars, the 
next is spaceships, another is ships, etc...) The 
same goes for the humor, same gag just executed 
slightly differently in each episode.

Shoot, I don't have a scan of my Mirai cel to 
post =(


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