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Re: What are Some of Bad Anime you watched??? (Fri May 30 19:23:35 2003 )
xelloss (nli) [View profile ]

Here are a few DVDs I wish I never bought.

Maze OAV -- The TV series was OK, but the OAV 
was near horrific, in my opinion. Not much plot, 
way too much fan service, and no character 

Ramune 40 Fresh -- When I saw the preview of 
this, it looked promising... funny creatures, 
magic, mechs, and a catchy theme song. My god 
this series was messed up. This series uses 
every excuse possible to get the main characters 
naked, which sort of ruined any believability. 
(ie you must be naked to pilot a mech, you must 
be naked to use magic properly, etc) I'm OK with 
some nudity (I am a tenchi muyo OAV fan, after 
all) but this is a bit much. The main villian is 
basically a sex fiend, to boot. And this DVD is 
supposed to be rated 16 and up? Yeesh...

Earthian -- the character designs vary from 
episode to episode, it's next to impossible to 
tell female and male characters apart, and there 
isn't much of an overall plot. This series is 
nowhere near as bad as the other two, but I 
wouldn't recommend it for watching.

Although I never bought a DVD of it (and never 
will) I have to agree with the others on Reign. 
The series is so badly done that I immediately 
turned off the TV whenever it came on... scary, 



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