The worst series I have ever seen was the
original Orgus series. It was so bad, I actually
used it to get rid of friends when they
overstayed there welcome. If after 4 or 5 hours
of anime watching, they still wanted to see more
anime, this is the series I broke out and within
5 minutes no one was left in my apartment.
For those of you not familiar witht he joy of
orgus, it was a macross clone that tried very
hard to be macross and uterly failed to do it.
From the horrible mechanical design of the mechs
and the flesh colored flying cyclinders they used
as bikes, to the utterly cliche plot lines, to
horrible drawing quality and inconsistent
animation, and the absolutely worst ending song
for an anime (Gypsy still gives me nightmares)
there was not a single redeamable aspect to this
show. The fact that I have any cels from this
show is only testiment to the fact that I will
have at least one cel from every series I have
sat through.
My two cents,