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Oh goodie! (Fri May 30 18:59:35 2003 )
Alex H. [View profile ]

I thrive off of bad anime!

1. Trigun. Of Kenshin, Trigun and Bebop, I've 
heard it said that anime fans can only like two 
of the three. And I already like Kenshin and 
Bebop a lot. So...I hear it gets better, but I 
don't care enough to find out.

2. Yu-Gi-Oh! (Love that exclamation point.) 
Watching the dub has been a daily ritual for me 
for months now. I've been told that the sub is 
much better, and that I should give it a chance. 
I don't want to pay for this, and I already enjoy 
it in its "mangled" state (though, to be fair, 
how different can it really be? the source 
material came from SOMETHING, right?), so I 
refuse to check out the subbed variety. I've seen 
at least 50 episodes now, and I still have 
absolutely no idea what's going on. Also, the art 
is the worst thing ever--and this is coming from 
someone who likes DBZ to a point >:D.

3. Berserk. Horrible animation, and Griffith has 
no genitals. Oddly compelling, though. Not good 
by any stretch of the animation, but I really 
want to know what happens in that last DVD!

4. Stupid Angel Show--er, Tenshi ni Narumon. Ugh. 
UGH. Kill it! Kill it now!

5. Chobits. Sigra came to my house with this and 
Yami no Matsuei. I'm dying for more YnM. I'm also 
dying to throw her copy of Chobits into traffic.  
I think we made it through three episodes before 
we admitted defeat.

6. Fushigi Yuugi (all of 'em). Except for that 
Nakago kissy scene. That was rad. (I saw that at 
the UConn anime club, and every guy in the room 
moaned with disgust on cue. It's the only fond 
memory I have of watching the god-forsaken show.)

7. Sailor Moon. I can live with it except when 
they're doing their attacks--Pink Sugar Heart 
Attack nearly made me die.

8. Lost Universe. I love the show dearly, but I 
admit that a lot of it isn't very good.  Plus the 
animation is cheap.  Still, I liked it a lot 
better than Slayers--I may be the only person 
alive who does ^^.

9. Photon. If I say why I hate it then I'll be 
forced to dredge it from my memory to cite 
specifics, and I don't want to remember it. At 
all. EVER.

10. Ah! Megami-sama! This was the first anime I 
watched, back when I was a junior in high school. 
I was so disgusted by the experience that I 
didn't touch anime for another 2 years. Stupid 

11. Reign of the Conqueror.  Look! It's Aeon 
Flux! But everyone is gay! Really really gay!  
And somehow I still don't enjoy it. How can they 
mess up flaming Persians?

I think I hate more than this, but this is a good 
enough start, right? ^-~ To those who say I'm 
being unfair to shoujo, you're wrong--I love 
Kodocha and Furuba, and they're pretty girly. Of 
course, Furuba has Shigure, but still.

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