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Re: What are Some of Bad Anime you watched??? (Fri May 30 22:06:27 2003 )
rayd [View profile ]

Here's my two cents, for what its worth. The 
worst i've ever seen is MD Geist, its like 
watching a train wreck in slow motion, and 
excessive use of poorly made pan cels. Not to 
mention a script that almost turned me off all 
anime in general, when someone says that anime 
sucks whos only seen pokemon, i wince knowing 
that it can get much worse. I will always hope 
that MD stood for a doctor so that they can 
declare this one brain dead and pull the plug, 
god know it used an excess amount of red paint to 
drive that point home. I still yearn for my money 
that i spent renting that cluster f*&% back, let 
alone the time. It has to be a technical after 
thought the way they pieced it together. This 
isnt an Ed Wood bad either, so bad its good. This 
is a just bad. 
Why cant Lain erase that from my memory. ^_^x As 
for those that dont like lain i can understand 
completely, its one of those types you can love 
or hate, little middle ground.

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