Woot Woot!!!
Ok, here we go ^_^
1). Dragon Ball, All of 'em - The series
wouldn't be so bad if there was a lot less talk
and a lot more fighting. They just blab, on and
2). Kenshin TV - While the OAV's were cool I
have to say that the TV series was BORING. You
could sum up the entire series by saying,
Kenshin, Kenshin, Oreo, Oreo............
Hhmmmm Oreos.
3). Eva - A few years ago a friend of mine
showed me the first episode, he had a boot leg
copy from Japan. I laughed a it and said this is
never gonna make it what a lame story....Well it
sure won a lot of fans here....Still I think it
was lame.
4). Tenchi - Nuff Said
These are just a couple. I don't want to piss
off too many people at once. ^_^
-Cel Addict |