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Re: What are Some of Bad Anime you watched??? (Fri May 30 05:32:37 2003 )
Nikki nli [View profile ]
nnabozny@(send flames here)ameritech.net

Hmm....ok well....don't hate me I guess, because 
I know of people who collect cels from this 
series....but one of the worst I have ever seen 
would have to be Noir.  I started watching it 
because I kept seeing all these ads for it 
everywhere and ADV or Bandai or whatever company 
that has it was just hyping it to death...so I 
figured I would check it out.  The first few eps 
were boring and uncreative, but for some reason 
I couldn't stop watching it.  13 hours later (I 
watched it all figuring it HAD to get better), 
not only was the story typical and tedious, but 
they plays the same 3 songs over and over and 
over and over......

Nikki.....oh and did I mention the fact that the 
characters are assasins who kill people for 
money and have no 'good intentions' driving 
them? well....they are

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