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Re: Oh goodie! (Sat May 31 01:40:45 2003 )
HazelrahFiver nli [View profile ]


I'm going to assume that what you don't like 
about Berserk is the actual art style, not the 
animation.  The actual animation is just the 
same as every other show, except with more 
dramatic painted-like-background shots.

I personally love those dramatic shots, and the 
art style itself.  In fact, Berserk would have 
to be the only show that can rival Cowboy Bebop 
in beauty.  Don't get me wrong, it has its down 
times, just like every anime.  But when it's 
good, it's just about the best.  And since I'm 
on the subject, as far as animation goes, 
DragonBall Z, one episode of the Majin Vegeta 
vs. Goku fight has the best animation ever, even 
better than Spike fighting Vincent in the Cowboy 
Bebop movie (which was totally awesome!)

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