Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting.......... (Mon Jun 2 08:31:54 2003
Yann Stettler [View profile
> You make it sound like we're discriminating
> against people who like certain kinds of anime.
Did I said that ? Did I said that anyone was right
or wrong ? Did I mentioned any anime myself except
as an example ?
There is nothing I can do if you want to read
things in my message that isn't there. It's your
> It doesn't mean that we are not allowed to have
> an opinion ourselves.
Oh, you are allwed to have any opinion you want.
But you may not be allowed to voice it however you
want on a forum. Big differance.
But again, did I forbad anybody to voice his
opinion about anime ? Did I deleted that thread ?
(which by the way is out of topic for this forum)
I meerly made a comment.
> The appraisal of will always be to a large
> extent subjective.
Sure. Which doesn't mean tha there isn't objective
criteria too. I am sick of people who seems to
think that everything is black or white.
And we are not even speaking of an art work but of
an anime. It's not like an abstract painting...
> I personally love debating the relative merits
> of movies, art, etc.
Again, is it what I did ? I meerly pointed out
that dislike is not the same as bad. So what
are you trying to tell me ? That dislike is the
same as bad ? That if you don't like something
nobody can like it ? Weird...
(Don't answer: I know that it's not what you mean
to say. But that's the only way you can disagree
with my original message so... I wasn't aware that
asking not to trash anime was soo ofending to
some people. What did you said about opinion ? Or
did you mean that you should have the right to
voice your opinion but nobody else should ?)
Yann Stettler
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