Well, you've moved beyond flippant into simply
being pissy and rude. Congratulations! I thought
I could expect a serious debate from you, but I
suppose I was wrong. To simply take what I stated
above and turn me into a ranting racist is not
only insulting, it clearly shows your ignorance.
You seem to confuse the words "opinion"
and "fact." This is a common mistake among
maniacal people. You believe your opinion to be
fact, end of story. You were obviously offended
by what people had to say, otherwise you would
not have written your post cotemning their
An opinion is something anyone may possess. It
has little to do with fact. Philosophy 101 stuff.
An "informed" opinion is no closer to being a
fact, or a truth, than an opinion. I can sit and
read books all day about a subject, but if the
books I am reading are questionable in terms of
fact, then I am not really informed am I? When
enough people believe the opinion, it becomes a
truth. When that truth is proven to have actual
real world credibility, it becomes fact.
Your first post was condescending and rude, and
you came off sounding like you were some sort of
anime guru. You are right, art does not exist in
a vacuum. However, that does not mean that we
can't move on in terms of what we as a society
find enjoyable. The new generation of anime
viewers can be taught to respect what Akira did
for anime, but they can still call it a piece of
crap if they want. You can break it down line by
line if you want, I still don't buy your logic.
Can you except the fact that I don't agree with
you? Obviously not, now that you are calling me a
racist on this forum instead of taking the time
to realize what my analogy was really about. But
then again, you never do listen, do you? |