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I was rather saddened and disappointed by that thread... (Sun Jun 1 10:58:59 2003 )
Tralfaz [View profile ]

I only read through about a third of the posts 
and found that nearly every single one of my 
favorite shows was mentioned as an example 
of "bad anime."  I suppose if I had gone through 
the whole thread I could have completed the set. 

Don't get me wrong... I'm not so thin-skinned 
that I cannot tolerate people not liking the same 
things I do.  We all have different tastes.  But 
to start labeling various popular shows as "bad" 
simply because they weren't your cup of tea does 
not seem like something a "community" of fans 
should engage in.

Overall it just left a broad swath of negativity 
across the forum.  Even though it's a case 
of "this person hates Urusei Yatsura" and "that 
person hates Angel Links", I'm not going to 
remember who said what....  I'm just going to 
remember that people on this forum hate Urusei 
Yatsura and Angel Links.  And Trigun.  And Battle 
Athletes.  And Maison Ikkoku.  And Lain.  And so 

I could rant on at length about this topic, but 
I'll leave it at that.

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