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Re: Re: Re: Wow, give otaku a chance to complain.... (Sun Jun 1 02:40:35 2003
sailorhipoo [View profile
I have to agree with the others... I really
enjoyed that post. My TOP 3 favorites of all were
mentioned and I myself was surprised not to be
offended. Especially where Sailor Moon is
concerned...LOL My daughters outgrown the show
and she's no longer allowed to speak of it
because she annoyed me by saying "bad things"
about it! But I didn't get any sense that anyone
was bashing the shows... just saying "I didn't
like it & heres why..."
PLUS it was very helpful when I mentioned X the
movie. I was originally drawn to that show by the
art. Then I was told it was pretty depressing (a
plus for me) but was so frustrated when I
couldn't follow what was happening! Now huby has
to go get me the series & I would NEVER have
considered it if not for that thread.
In case anyone is curious the other 2 shows that
are tops with me but not with others were Fushigi
Yuugi & Chobits.
Best Wishes,
Sandra |
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