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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wow, give otaku a chance to complain.... (Sun Jun 1 20:09:04 2003 )
vamppire [View profile ]

Again, what are these standards, and who sets 
them?  Who is the authority in it and what makes 
their opinion (everything is based on opinions 
at some point) any more valid?  Is there a 
checklist somewhere that lists all the features 
an anime must have to make it "good"?  Who made 
that list (and what gives them the right?)?  
Then who gets to decide if the box next 
to "interesting story" gets checked off or not?  
etc etc....  I don't see how anyone can 
objectively rate these shows when the standards, 
if they even exist, were also just formed by 
opinions at one point.

If such objective standards do exist, they 
obviously mean nothing, as you will always have 
people who love and hate any certain show.  I 
don't think it's fair to say that one group of 
people is objectively right in that opinion, and 
the other is 
wrong/uneducated/unenlightened/whatever you 
might wanna say.

Besides, this thread WAS asking for people's 
personal dislikes...as was highlighted by the 
line "Remember, these are just my opinion," 
regardless of using the word "bad", it was clear 
what they meant... no sense in nitpicking the 
choice of wording. 

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