And to come back to cels, let me explain you how
it often work when a dealer buy cels in Japan :
Often the seller will give you a whole bunch of
cels from one anime. You go through them, pick
many and assign individual prices in your head.
Then you tell the seller the total.
The seller will look at the cels you choose,
assign prices and come-up with his own total.
Well, let me tell you one thing : if both people
know their job, the result is usualy pretty
similar. There is very little randomness in it.
Even if seller and buyer disagree, it's usualy
because the whole scale of value for that anime is
shifted up or down : Ie, all cels are considered
to be worth more (or less) by the same ratio.
Or because there is an external factor. For
example : You know and I know that those cels are
too expensive but I paid them that and can't sell
Yann Stettler |