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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wow, give otaku a chance to complain.... (Sun Jun 1 22:12:02 2003
Yann Stettler [View profile
> You're telling me there aren't any truly
> good artists out there that have been turned
> down? Or that every artist out there that is
> famous/praised actually deserves it?
You know, life is complicated : not everything is
black or white. Not everyone got what he deserve.
> These "criteria" you mention started out as the
> opinions of certain people at one point.
Bad animation is bad animation. It's not a matter
of opinion.
Bad story, weak plot, inconsistancy is not a
matter of opinion.
I am not even speaking of all the technical
criteria : Don't tell me that someone doesn't need
good technic because that will just show how
little you know.
Whatever you think, I will never be able to sing
correctly or draw well. And that's not a matter of
opinion !
> Books (fiction) are meant to entertain the
> reader, and I was sorely not entertained by
> many of the 'classics'.
"Entertain" has little to do with the kind of
criteria I speak : Someone may not like Bach and
love ACDC: That won't make Bach "bad".
But yes, you can have work that won't "entertain"
anybody because they are realy too bad.
> But I can't call a book good, if it fails to
> carry out it's main task - to entertain.
Did I say anywhere that technic is enough ?!?
Why do you think that it's not possible to tell if
a book/movie/game is "entertaining" whatever we
like it or not ?!?
You are totaly missing the point and speaking of
stuff that are not at all related with my posts
and the discussion.
> And that is also why that thread didn't offend
> me (and most others)
Obviously you are wrong again : such thread on a
public board have the potentitial to offend a lot
of people.
> because then you would be saying someone is
> right and wrong.
Did I said any such things ?!? It seems that it's
me who say that it's not because you don't like
something that it is bad. And it's not because you
like something that it is good. There is plenty of
good anime that I don't like. And there is anime
that I like that are very bad.
> I'm still waiting to hear what these
> anime criteria are
I think I mentioned several already. But you don't
seems to read much of what I write. Only what you
want to find in it.
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