I don' think I was flippant in my previous post,
but OK.
You basically relegated many of the posts made in
the above thread to pure ignorance of the medium
and the culture that bore it. So when exactly
were you trying not to impress on people that
your perspective is more informed than others?
The fact is, most Americans(I can only speak for
Americans, so sorry if I leave other
representative countries out) will never get the
opportunity to see Japan or spend any real time
there. As arduous as your job may be, it is still
a luxury to get to experience another culture
they way that you can, and I do envy you for it.
I agree, education can certainly bring about a
higher appreciation of art and media. However,
there are also those on this board who have
sampled anime for more than half their lives who
still have a valid opinion to offer.
And might I suggest that there is no nuance
between an opinion and an "informed" opinion?
That is a fallacy, and any philosophy major will
tell you so. The Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan
can offer you an "informed" opinion on the topic
of interracial marriage. Is his opinion any more
valid than that of a morally conscious ten year
old girl who has a different viewpoint?
And when you suggest anime education, it is a put-
down. I am sorry to ask, but who are you to tell
me that I am wrong in my dislike of something?
You are no more qualified than I to tell someone
that their opinion is based on ignorance and
nothing more. That is the definition of flippant.
I think what this boils down to is that some
people on this forum chose to dislike anime, and
you got offended. Fine, state your case why they
are wrong. But don't simply write them off as
know-nothing, armchair Roger Eberts. In English,
there is a canon by which all other literature is
compared. The same goes for movies and music.
However, I do not need a PhD in film history to
say that I find Gone With The Wind vapid and
overblown, an epic piece of eye candy that
pretends to be a major motion picture. Now, many
critics might have me hanged for saying such a
thing. However, I've seen enough movies to
differentiate between a good movie and a bad
movie. While some hold Akira in high regard for
its groundbreaking storytelling and stunning
visual imagery, it is now stale by comparison to
many of the anime out there today.
So no, there was no "misunderstanding" on my part
regarding your post. I simply don't agree with
it, that's all.
By the way, you have mentioned that some anime
mentioned in this thread as being "bad" upset you
somewhat. Can you provide an example and maybe
defend your statement? I would be curious to read
it, anyway.
"New opinions are always suspected, and usually
opposed, without any other reason but because
they are not already common" John Locke |