I saw a lot of things I like being listed by
people as "bad shows", and I know that I took
absolutely no offense at all. I liked reading the
reasons why others didn't like something.
See, it doesn't take a lot to recognize truly
*BAD* anime, but the truth is that I doubt
foreigners see much truly *BAD* anime. If it's
truly that level of bad, chances are best even
fansubbers aren't going to touch it, much less a
legitamate company translate and release it. So
foreign audiences will most likely be "spared".
But there is absolutely no series that is all
good. Even the best of series have weaknesses --
I'd even say for a series to be REALLY good, it
can't be liked by everyone. (Where entertainment
is concerned, the big failures are the things
that try to cater to *everyone* instead of just a
certain niche of viewers/listeners/etc, simply
because they fall flat trying to please everyone
when that's not possible.) Not to mention we
sometimes like things that we admit are poorly
put together in various ways. (Psychic Force
anyone? *^_~*)
So I think it's rather fun to air why we did or
didn't like a given series. Like Fever said, it
also might entice someone to give something
another try. I think everyone has had times when
they started to watch episode one of something
then turned it off. . . Maybe they're not in the
right mood, or they're too distracted by
something else to pay enough attention to be
interested in it, whatever. But then if they give
it a second chance, they find they like it. It's
happened to me a number of times -- some are
titles that might surprise people:
Now and Then, Here and There
Witch Hunter Robin
Fatal Fury
Vampire Hunter D (first movie)
.hack//SIGN (TV series)
Sailor Moon
If I hadn't given all of these (and others)
either a second chance or extended chance
(meaning I kept watching even though I wasn't
thrilled with it from the get-go), I would have
missed out on a series that I wound up overall
enjoying. ^_^ Maybe someone else will read
someone defending one of the series in that
thread and give the series another chance. ^_^
Besides. I like any thread that isn't a flamewar
and which nearly everyone jumps into. ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,