To help you understand what I am saying I will
point out what I mean. It seems that you have a
chip on your shoulder. Well, tonight I will
oblige you.
1.) I did not say that you were flippant. It is
not about you.
2.)I have not relegated anyones post to being
anything. My statements were my opinions. The
very things that you seem to be championing. I
shouldn't justify them, because to use your line
of reasoning, there is no need to do so. Just, I
have an opinion and that should suffice, right?
(Now, I'm being flippant).
3.) To suggest that having either "uninformed and
informed" opinions about a subject matter are not
different is to say that the very words are the
same. It is an idiotic thing to say. To try to
use what you call philosphy as a "deduction" to
your line of reasoning is to tell me that you do
not understand philosophy at all.
4.) I am not offended in the least by someones
dislike of some anime, or otherwise.
5.) You are right about one thing you do not need
to be a PHD in anything to have an opinion. You
do not need to have anyone telling you what you
should like or not. But my question to that is
exactly when did I do that?
5.) I did not write off anybody.I think that
there was a lot of negativity directed at some
anime due to the fact that some of it was based
on personal opinion (which is fine). I said that
perhaps, not in any patronizing or condesending
manner as you have wished to paint my opinions,
that if a person had more cultural insight, that
it might change their minds. What is wrong with
6.)You said,
"While some hold Akira in high regard for
its groundbreaking storytelling and stunning
visual imagery, it is now stale by comparison to
many of the anime out there today."
This is exactly what I meant about informed
opinions. It may be stale by today's standards,
and I personally disliked it myself. But it is
good anime for the very reasons that you
mentioned. I thought that it was gross and
sicknening, however it was still a great anime
acheivement. Other anime was built off of this
anime. Art leads to other art. Nothinge exists in
a vacuum.One step in technology leads to another.
To judge yesterday by today is to disregard how
it all got started. And to say that the past is
irrelevent, because we have much better standards
today is short sighted, don't you agree?
Like I said, art appreciation is valid. To learn
something that gives you more insight is valid.
At least, that is my opinion.