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Yup, They are a pain in the butt. (Wed Nov 6 04:22:11 2002 )
:) [View profile ]

Its funny the expensive cels are their own weird 
quirk.  They are easy to come by if you have the 
money, since most people can afford them.  So you 
get one and think OUCH! for awhile.  Then 
everyone goes ooooo and ahhhh that is the 
greatest.  Then you think so what?  Then a bill 
comes up and you say oh I can sell this an get my 
money.  Then first point above comes into play.  
So no one really picks it up and your more or 
less stuck with it.  So you don't want to loose 
alot of money but you want to sell it and can't.  
So your stuck with it.  Then you get mad at it 
and later just forget about it all together.  
Then you stumble acrossed it again and the 
pattern starts all over again.  Case in point my 
mononoke cel and a few others I've seen in 
dealers galleries.  The same thing also applies 
to eva cels.  They are actually a pain.  I would 
agree with everyone else.  I had more fun 
collecting the smaller items.  They were harder 
to get sometimes.

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