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Go Drac! *cheerleads* ^_^ (Tue Nov 5 16:40:33 2002 )
aionster [View profile ]

It's funny, but I am often happier with the cels 
I have which cost less money.  I feel less 
pressure to try to sell them when I get into 
financial trouble, and I don't feel guilty about 
having bought them.  I don't usually get into 
financial trouble because of my cel buying, but 
when the transmission goes or my hubby loses his 
job, I feel guilty for having cels instead of 
having more savings.  Financially- cels are 
probably a better investment than my retirement 
plan.  I put in a thousand dollars to my 
retirement plan and lost at least $300. I don't 
buy cels for my retirement, or in case I need 
emergency funds- the way cel trends go with 
series becoming very popular and then losing a 
following, it would be silly.  But still, when 
something major comes along financially, it's 
easier for me to keep the cheap cels simply 
because I can raise money more quickly by selling 
the expensive ones.  But I want to keep them all, 
and I admit there are some expensive ones I'll 
probably never sell.  :) 

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