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Re: High-end collecting? (Tue Nov 5 05:21:13 2002 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Well, I guess Im in this category, tho not by 
choice.  I dont like to pay over 200$ for 
anything cel related, but it happens that the 
focus of my collection is a rare and popular 
character.  Most of my cels cost over 500$...many 
of them waaaay over 500$.  I need a big time 
break after this year, ouch.  It starts to hurt 
big time.  Im usually in okay shape because my 
favorite character pops up so rarely. But in the 
last 3 months, several very high wishlist cels 
came available at once.  Thank GOD for payments, 
I tell you. 

 I almost always take losses when I sell, it's 
rare for me to be able to sell at cost, let alone 
make a profit.  But, such is the risk.  Most of 
the cels I own now will never be for sale, so I 
dont worry too much.  And, there are some cels 

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