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You've really hit the nail on the head here. . . (Tue Nov 5 06:57:27 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I mean, I have my own self-imposed $250 limit on 
a single cel. I've gone over that for two, or 
maybe three cels - I don't lie and say I won't -
but I've still never hit $300.

As I organize my website to post every cel I own, 
I've gone through a lot of them. First to make 
sure they're all scanned, then to rescan some 
whose image files were somehow corrupted (*grr*), 
then inevitably I "must" swap around a couple to 
different spots in my cel books. . . And the ones 
I have the most fun with? My Psychic Force cels.

Psychic Force cels. . . The Pez of the cel world, 
as I've called them. Individually, most are 
cheaper than almost anything else out there. But 
I know where every one can be seen in the anime, 
from the "biggies" to the worthless little 
freebies. I have endless fun reorganizing them 
and deciding how sequences should be arranged to 
look best in my books. And being cheap, I can 
have endless fun trying to find the most obscure 
Psychic Force cels out there - the ones no one 
else wants. (Currently I'm trying to find one of 
the two A1end cels of the parents of the nameless 
child psychiccer who is killed by Gates.)

My cels which you would call "high end"? Often 
they were bought for being a really nice cel of a 
given character. They're gorgeous. . . But 
usually don't offer me the fun I get from putzing 
through my books of "Pez cels". ^_^

And even when you get into some of my wishlist 
cels for OTHER series which I've managed to 
aquire. One was $79. Another $26. And so on and 
so forth. I'm not talking garbage here - I'm 
talking a backgrounded pan cel of Larva from 
Vampire Miyu, among others.

You cannot define the worth of either a cel or of 
a collection by what it cost to buy it.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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