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Re: High-end collecting? (Tue Nov 5 03:17:05 2002 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

I wouldn't consider myself a high-end collector, 
because I *really* try to bargain shop ^^; The 
average cost of my cels is $100. That's including 
a few gifts and quite a few cels under $50. But 
still not bad ^^;. 

I think of the "high-end" collectors the ones 
that opt for the really hard-to-get-and-always-
pricey cels, like Last Unicorn, VHD, AMG, Gunnm, 
or old-school anime. Even Disney cels and 
American animation.. stuff like that. 

Although, sometimes a gallery with "high-end" 
looking cels can come at a very "low-end" price 
for the collector ;). As Ms.Poe admitted, her 
collection was relatively inexpensive.. but it 
looks SoOooooooooOOOOOoooo expensive to me! Don't 
ask me why ^^;


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