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Re: Re: Re: what about this? ALL plz read (Tue Nov 5 08:30:18 2002 )
graymouser [View profile ]

Personally, I would not buy a cel if it was going 
to put me in financial trouble (no matter how 
much I want it). I also have a certain amount of 
money (excluding insurance) set aside for 
emergencies. If it ever got to the point where 
those savings were not enough, then selling my 
collection would not help much anyways. 


I DO think twice about buying expensive cels, but 
not over concerns about recouping the cost. I'm 
not planning on reselling. I want to be very sure 
that I will like the cel in the long run. I also 
do not buy just because its a expensive/rare cel. 
I get just as much enjoyment out of my 
cheaper/common ones as my most expensive. Things 
that make a cel more attractive to me are pretty 
much the same as with anyone on this board. I 
like the show/art/characters. Its just that the 
market rate for certain shows are higher than 

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