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The ONLY thing that bugs me about it... (Wed Jan 8 04:27:08 2003 )
Heather [View profile ]


Let's say that some really talented fan cel 
artist coppied one of my cels and sold it on 
eBay... completely fine with me (I'm even 
thinking of having a fan cel made of one of my 
wish list cels :) But let's say that the person 
who buys it decides to auction it later 
describing it as a REAL cel. That puts a 
predijuce (I can't spell if my cels depended on 
it! :) on MY AUTHENTIC cel. If I were to ever try 
to sell my cel I could just see the email 
saying "Yours is a fake. I bought the real one on 
eBay a couple months ago". 

It's sort of like the Japanese artist Foujita. 
There are sooooooo many Fake copys of his 
original drawings that whenever I see one on 
eBay, or even at Christies or Sothebys (They have 
been known to make ver big mistakes :) I don't 
want to buy it. There is no way to tell the 

I don't even like to buy cels over a couple of 
hundred dollars. Not necessarly b/c the person 
selling the cel made it, or even the person they 
bought it from. It's a very very trickey market. 
With Disney cels they all have Certificates (Most 
of them any way). I've never seen an production 
anime cel with a certificate from the company :)

But whatver the reason, if you do have a problem 
with it, it wouldn't hurt to email the seller :) 
I mean you DO own the cel now and I think you 
have certain rights to it (I think?). I mean if 
you owned a million dollar painting, I don't 
think you would want someone to sell posters of 
it without your permission :) 

Heather ^_^

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