...in your second paragraph, you're basically
saying "Once I own the cel, no screencaps with
the cel in it are to be reproduced", thereby
claiming the ownership of the screencap which is
absolutely absurd.
All you own is a painted piece of plastic and
the rights on the digital photograph/scan of it.
NOT under any circumstances the production
fragment the cel was used in, neither ANYTHING of
the cel that was created from it before you
purchased it ("you" applies to anyone, not only
In the end, cels are production trash we paying
collectors pick up.
Bones are also unique. If you go to the
slaughterhouse and collect the garbage/bones
there, nobody will stop you, but you can't say
you don't want the cows the bones were from to be
cloned... they were not your cows. Their remains
HAPPEN TO BE. Not fated to be.
Basically, I can go to AnimeCubed or any other
Anime gallery, take one of those artbook scans,
screenshot or whatever, and paint it for my
personal pleasure, or even upon commission. If
anyone happens to own the cel used to create the
finished thing, well, so? The screencaps are
accessible/available (within said grey zone) to
the whole wide world without any cel owner having
a bidding.
Also, you say, it's not ok to reproduce cel-made
shots. Excuse me, if my wishlist cel never turns
up, shall I be an idiot and keep on DREAMING
forever as do idiots!? Hurray, it's so great to
have dreams! Yeah, right..! Unfulfilled, what use
are they? I will have my dream fulfilled by
painting or having painted that one myself
instead of going all empty-handed. And if I use a
screencap, why should, or how COULD cel owners
That's the childish twist about cel
collecting: "IT'S MIIIIIIIINE, nobody else is to
have it!!" I personally couldn't care less is
asked nicely. If it was only for selling
purposes, ofcourse, I'd mind, but if it's sold
later on because the painter no longer likes it
or needs money or so... why care? As long as I am
acknowledged as the original's owner and the
fancel to be sold as such...
Quoting El Souzou: "Mrrreeuw! Rrrmau! Rrrr!" and
scratching head with foot,
Ore-sama |