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Re: Now WHO's being emotional..? (Wed Jan 8 16:46:04 2003 )
ladybrick [View profile ]

I don't know why you are trying so hard to defend 
your fancels when what people are pissed off 
about is your attitude.  You'd think after 
getting banned a few times you'd learn a lesson, 
but apparently not.

If you want to participate in any sort of 
community, including a forum like this, you need 
to treat people with RESPECT.  THINK BEFORE YOU 
SPEAK.  You are not the center of the world 
and your opinions and feelings DO NOT supercede 
everyone elses.

If all you are interested in is pissing people 
off and starting flame wars, go do it somewhere 
else.  If you genuinly want to speak to people 
here, grow up.

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