Sarcasm does not suit you Drac. You have a right
to feel the way you do, but at the same time you
realize not everyone is as informed or takes the
time to research how much a cel they want to sell
is worth.
Based on my experiences, generally people include
the serious offers only please blurb, b/c they do
not want financially irresponsible people bidding.
No one wants to deal with a deadbeat. And I know
just b/c you add that request people will still
overlook it, happens all the time with self
imposed rules by sellers on evilbay.
I’ve noticed many collectors nowadays who make
their collection available for offers are newer
collectors. As such, some of them do not have cels
that are actually rare and/or highend and in
demand. But, just b/c they do not have these level
of cel does not mean they should not be able to
take offers on their cels. Perhaps the practice
itself that they conduct the offers should be
adjusted. For example, they should basically place
a price they are willing to accept (not the
minimum but a desired sale price) on each item and
add the caveat, most prices are negotiable.
Everyone wants to get as much monies as possible
when attempting to sell their cels, I certainly do
not blame them. If I don’t want the enough cel b/c
I think it is overpriced I will make a
counteroffer, but that is it, no counteroffer war.
Ultimately, we all choose how we want to fuel this
practice. I prefer to make unsolicited offers to
collections. Thus far I have a low success rate
despite offer at time four times the market value.
Oh well, their loss b/c in the end I just saved
myself the monies and did not spend it.