It was like reading a "mini" informational or
something and your made a quote, then in the end
tied it back to that with a twist, very niffty use
of language to make a point.
I remember being a newbie and seeing your name
that "scared" the cel craving away when I see your
name in an auction, postings and etc as well as
other "well-known" & respected members of this
forum that were and are still around hopefully
when I started collecting over 3 years ago.
Sometimes it may not be the rarest cel or the
absolute stunning cel that are put for offers, but
somewhere out there, there is a newbie or ramen
eating cel collector out there that might
appreciate the cel more with a tiny wallet, so I
take a look whatever offers are up and about.
I've done stupid stuff in 2 years ago when I
cleaned part of my "sad small collection" and sold
my Trigun cels for LOTS less than I bought them to
people who would appreciate them. One being I
bought of a "calm" Vash face & shoulders for $200
and sold for $80, big loss....oh well. I feel bad
about it still, but to the other person, made them
happy. not I'm just babbling @_@
I feel like a newb again, and the forum is so
lively, with old & new members posting....ah the
cel collecting family....
*sorry for my unusually long post*
Whoop for payday on friday. |