I know 'offers' are by definition an extremely
grey area, but as a long time collector that has
been around the cel block quite a few times, I
have to ask a question because I find the
definition of "offer" has changed quite radically
since my day.
When I began, back in the stone ages, offers were
usually only for rare cels, not for entire
collections. It wasn't often people even
mentioned the word offer and sale pages had
definite prices to the cels. Myself, I've only
been willing to entertain offers once in my years
of collecting and made it very clear which cels
were up for grabs. I have to be honest and find
the latest trend of "Let's see what I can get" to
be a little...unprofessional. I have every
respect for my fellow collectors, but my view is
the shot is either available or it's not.
Otherwise, let's not waste each other's time.
On more than one occasion I've come into contact
with back and forth decision making and wavering
when it comes to private collectors and their
open for offers policy. In my experience this has
happened mostly with Dragonball collectors (who
in all fairness, tend to be a little younger) but
also with other series' collectors as well. An
offer period is advertised, I've responded with a
very fair and serious offer and have at times
gotten in reply an extremely vague email such
as, "Wellll...I don't know. A few months ago
there was this guy who said he'd give me some
more but then he couldn't pay and could only pay
if some other guy wanted to buy his cel. I
haven't heard from him in a few months. If I hear
from him, I'm going to take it." And I find
myself thinking first of all, "What does that
mean?" and secondly, "Oiy, if you had legitimate
offer or don't know if you want to part with the
cel then don't advertise the darn thing." It's my
feeling you should be ready to part with a shot
before it's on the block in ANY form. If
unwilling to part with it, make that darn clear.
I thought most people felt the same, but perhaps
I'm wrong. I'd love to hear other people's view
on this one especially considering the current
offer trend. For my taste, much of it is a little
too unstructured, but heck, I'm always willing
swallow my opinion of how I feel it SHOULD be
handled and roll with the times if necessary.
In the end us cel folk are a small community and
we're all on the same team. I just want to make
sure my rule book is current. ;)
Muchas gracias,