what designates an extremely rare cel? I (perhaps
wrongly) assumed that most of what I put up for
offers this time was pretty damn rare - a Fushigi
Yuugi harmony cel, a Mahoromatic pan cel,
Sailormoon henshin/bank cels... I didn't put up
my entire collection, just the part that I was
willing to wittle down. are there cels in my
collection rarer than these? of course! but those
won't leave my collection, so I offered up what
can leave.
since it seems the people of the forum seem to be
offended by offer scenarios, I will take down the
offensive page and put my cels on ebay as I have
been doing. last thing I want is to piss people
off. the thing I don't like about ebay is that
though I might make more money, the buyers are
often total strangers. it might just be me, but I
much prefer selling to people I know.
unfortunately most of us who start these offer
periods have trouble putting a quick and clean
value on our cels. yes, the sellers are just as
indecisive as the buyers who can't decide what to
offer. on top of that, let's say I paid $100 a
couple years ago for a cel that I think might be
worth $300-$500 today, but I'm not exactly sure
where in that range to price it. what do I do?
in any case, I am happy with the offers I did
manage to get and will be letting the other cels
loose on ebay. at least that way I can just set a
random minimum bid and watch the price rise above
my expectations.
please don't interpret my post wrong, I am in no
means angry, I just don't like pissing people
off, no matter how indirectly.
/Mina |