"thanks for bringing up the debate! ^_^" - Mina
My pleasure. I appreciate the informative
The majority of your message I completely agree
with. (That $40 payment plan story made me
chuckle and at this early in the morning that
ain't easy to do. ;) One part of your post I do
disagree with is the paragraph on there being no
set rules.
I believe unwritten guidelines are imperative in
a community such as ours and clarifying these
guidelines is part of why this forum is such a
great resource. Between a buyer and seller
communication and respect is key and I can't see
that happening efficiently without us each having
a personal rule book on how to handle different
situations consistently and fairly.
As for the idea of payment plans, I have
absolutely no problem with them. My example
wasn't meant to knock plans but instead meant to
illustrate frustration when a potential
transaction holds so many variables. If it's an
offer period for every cel and the cel has no
price on it, no minimum, no best offer, if there
is no opportunity given to counter offer in the
seller's reply, no yes or no in the email...just
a "I'm going to wait and see for an undetermined
amount of time" I'm thinking, "Can this person
make up their mind about ONE thing? Throw me a
bone here buddy, I need a place to start!" I find
this type of behavior in a seller AND buyer to be
extremely sloppy and if they aren't going to take
my money and time seriously I will spend both
Basically, what I don't enjoy is the idea I'm
being strung along or feeling as if I'm just
being used to appraise a cel. It's a common sense
and responsibility issue, as a few others I have
said and said well. And it's good to hear people
are on the same page!
I'm glad my old school butt isn't totally out of
the loop. ;)
Thanks again for the response Mina and good luck
with your sale.