Welcome to the Cels Forum!
If you are looking for cels, or if you have some
that you want to sell or trade, you can let a message
here for other person.
If you have questions regarding cels or want to share
your experience and knowledge on this subject, don't
hesitate to post on this board.
This is a free forum for anything related to anime cels !
If you are new to cels (and even if you aren't :), here is a small
Introduction to anime cels (technical FAQ)
Messages :
- Yuma cel for sale - thierry (Sep 9 12:39)
- Looking for slayers, cardcaptor, and kodomo cels - Katie (Sep 9 16:19)
- Anime Cels for sale!! Sailor Moon and a Flame of Recca!! - Small Lady (Sep 9 17:54)
- ATTENTION TENSHI NI NARUMON cel buyers! - Badvibes (Sep 9 18:11)
- Just added SM cels and Tenchi "Mayuka" cel to ebay - Harry "K" (Sep 9 19:12)
- Here comes Jurai! - Ken A. (Sep 9 20:35)
- my gallery is back up (FY, RK, HYD) - jINx (Sep 9 20:57)
- Candians ordering to Japan? - Sunflower (Sep 9 20:58)
- Preserving copier lines? - goemon (Sep 10 04:19)
- What's the most Expensive Anime to Collect cels from? - (Sep 10 07:53)
- Dbz Site update (3 cels--pics in thread) - Ericdb (Sep 10 08:16)
- FS Goku SS3, Trunk, Cel , Gohan SS and Broly - thierry (Sep 10 10:08)
- Revamped My Cels Gallery Section... - Himiko (Sep 10 10:45)
- SSJ Gogeta cel -- DBZ - Ericdb (Sep 10 11:01)
- You know you are broke when... - (Sep 10 12:47)
- Question about repro cels - Kura (Sep 10 13:49)
- FS:Cels - Ray (Sep 10 15:23)
- Any one do businsess with Collection Mall? - Omar (Sep 10 16:11)
- Anyone want to trade for my Snow Queen from Sailor Moon S movie? - Harry "K" (Sep 10 18:10)
- Gallery Update with Otakon 2000 pictures - Walt (Sep 10 20:38)
- Gallery update: Kenshin, Mahou Tsukai Tai (and more) - wndrkn (Sep 10 21:29)
- check this ebay auction out...anybody gonna go for it? - kenshinlvr (Sep 10 22:09)
- Help! Anyone familiar with Anime World Star (while I'm still in Tokyo...) - Quat(s) (Sep 11 00:14)
- Add one cel to my gallery. - (Sep 11 05:10)
- Heero & Relena Gundam W cel person ^_^-- please read! - Marisa Price (Sep 11 11:38)
- Heero & Relena Gundam W cel person ^_^-- please read! - Marisa Price (Sep 11 11:39)
- Posted some cels on ebay and some for sale RK, FY, SM, Gran Doll, - Trish (Sep 11 12:27)
- Gundress cels? Please help. - Genom Executive (Sep 11 13:31)
- cels as antiques? (and the definition of art for those who misunderstood) - K-K (Sep 11 16:20)
- Who got the Inuyasha? - Kenshin no Miko (Sep 11 16:27)
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