Welcome to the Cels Forum!
If you are looking for cels, or if you have some
that you want to sell or trade, you can let a message
here for other person.
If you have questions regarding cels or want to share
your experience and knowledge on this subject, don't
hesitate to post on this board.
This is a free forum for anything related to anime cels !
If you are new to cels (and even if you aren't :), here is a small
Introduction to anime cels (technical FAQ)
Messages :
- Mangaya? - jcaliff (Jan 8 05:42)
- Put some cels up for auction.... 4 Sailor Moon cels... - Harry "K" (Jan 8 07:35)
- Deputy Service besides Keigo and Sato?? - RK (Jan 8 08:15)
- ACJ can provide Deputy (Middle-Man) service for Japan products... please read my warning first, though! - California Boy (Jan 8 09:18)
- eBay cel auction ending today-Magic Knight Rayearth Eagle cel - Julie (Jan 8 09:40)
- A little off topic...could anyone enlighten me on what this says in English? - Taylor (Jan 8 10:24)
- 13 Gallery Dragon ball Z cels for sale.--with working link - Ericdb (Jan 8 10:25)
- Looking for mirai Gohan cel. - elmergoo (Jan 8 11:35)
- Got any Trunks cels you wanna sell to me? - Mirai-Jemma (Jan 8 12:01)
- Deedlit Cel on Taro - Civic82 (Jan 8 12:52)
- Site Update, DBZ, new site features. - Genom Executive (Jan 8 14:36)
- Are Ryoga/Ryouga cels still desirable? - Evilminion (Jan 8 16:18)
- Big 'ol update....for me at least. ^_^ - MeganD. (Jan 8 17:57)
- More Cels for sale: NeoQueen, Black Lady, Jem, Chibi with dino - zefyr (Jan 8 18:22)
- NO clue wheree this is from, can anyone ID it? anyone want it?... - Larg0 (Jan 8 18:55)
- New Cels on Auction..Video Girl Ai, Tenchi, Bastard, etc - Ben Swiderski (Jan 8 22:03)
- wondering if any one knew of a cel repair/cleaning place in nyc? - jimbo jones (Jan 9 00:22)
- cel id help please - me (Jan 9 13:12)
- Complete scene of Cyber City OEDO-II for sale - BioJin (Jan 9 13:32)
- Ah My Goddess Movie cel of "Morgan" for sale. Taking offers! - Stephanie (Jan 9 13:34)
- Cels from Utena & Last Unicorn on eBay, with more to come! - Lady Zatara (Jan 9 18:48)
- Anyone have any Sakuya (Tenchi in Tokyo) cels they'd like to sell? - KamuiX (Jan 9 20:59)
- Rei and Usagi Cel! For Sale on Ebay! - Nicole N (Jan 9 21:33)
- Looking for some Berserk anime Cels - smog (Jan 9 22:07)
- PET PEEVE-why do cels stores keep images of sold cels? - wes (Jan 9 22:34)
- Escaflone cels for sale ? - Sabrina (Jan 10 12:18)
- Last day on Auctions! - christy (Jan 10 12:21)
- Anyone have any Azusa cels?? - Civic82 (Jan 10 12:58)
- In case you missed it...Reintroducing Professor Atomo's Anime Cel Gallery! - professor atomo (Jan 10 13:02)
- Langrisser Cel on Ebay! - tetsuojin (Jan 10 13:10)
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