Welcome to the Cels Forum!
If you are looking for cels, or if you have some
that you want to sell or trade, you can let a message
here for other person.
If you have questions regarding cels or want to share
your experience and knowledge on this subject, don't
hesitate to post on this board.
This is a free forum for anything related to anime cels !
If you are new to cels (and even if you aren't :), here is a small
Introduction to anime cels (technical FAQ)
Messages :
- SPECIAL SET 100 Cels FOR 3000$ - AT (Dec 30 00:05)
- Aries, Leos, Virgos cels (where are they) - Jono (Dec 30 11:34)
- (gundam Wing) Aries, leo, virgo, where did they go? - Jono (Dec 30 11:42)
- ebay auctions new ones started today and old ones ending today including xellos from slayers - katie (Dec 30 17:05)
- cels for sale ^_^ - ISL (Dec 30 18:01)
- DBZ cel on YJ -- id help please - punzel (Dec 30 18:24)
- Thanks and happy new year! For those SM collectors take a peek at my Kaolinites - Harry "K" (Dec 30 18:45)
- Hey, everybody, it's been a while ^-^ - Alex H. (Dec 30 19:09)
- DBZ cels for DBZ cels - Steven (Dec 30 20:03)
- Why does Taro have -xdays -xhours -xmins on keep track? n/t - (Dec 30 20:52)
- Anyone have any MAPS cels? - Leigh (Dec 30 22:13)
- New DBZ cels up for auction at ebay... - Saiyan Wolf (Dec 30 22:15)
- Can thewindy from YJ pls contact me! I need your help. Thanks! - icco Uno (Dec 30 23:21)
- Last Unicorn cel of Prince Lir, Chibi Ayeka & Gunbuster genga FA! - Usagi's House (Dec 31 04:58)
- DBZ cel for sale - johann (Dec 31 11:57)
- DBZ cel for sale - johann (Dec 31 11:57)
- SURVEY, ones that got away.... - punzel (Dec 31 12:05)
- *SOB* Could this day get any worse?!?! - THE REAL RYOCHAN (Dec 31 12:28)
- In case anyone cares---HUGE site update. - ryo-chan (Dec 31 12:36)
- Happy New Year!!! From Hanau Germany/APO AE - Trish (Dec 31 16:07)
- Cels on auction Hime-chan, Miyu, Nurse Angel - katie (Dec 31 23:57)
- Tenshi ni Narumon Question - Charon (Jan 1 11:23)
- update to start the new millenium - whizbang (Jan 1 12:58)
- cels for sale - katie (Jan 1 12:58)
- To whomever bought the Gunnm Galley cel at Link recently - kellyk (Jan 1 16:09)
- Small gallery update - Slayers, Tenchi, Dragonball Z - Ali (Jan 1 16:27)
- Small homepage update - couple of cels from Utena - Alex P (Jan 1 16:44)
- New eBay cel auction started today - Julie (Jan 1 17:19)
- Small Gallery Update - 5 New Escaflowne cels! - webdeb (Jan 1 17:34)
- Has anyone seen any On Your Mark cels? - wes (Jan 1 18:12)
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