Welcome to the Cels Forum!
If you are looking for cels, or if you have some
that you want to sell or trade, you can let a message
here for other person.
If you have questions regarding cels or want to share
your experience and knowledge on this subject, don't
hesitate to post on this board.
This is a free forum for anything related to anime cels !
If you are new to cels (and even if you aren't :), here is a small
Introduction to anime cels (technical FAQ)
Messages :
- FS: Merle, Ryoga w/ match bkg, Trowa, and Karen from B'tX - Kelly (Dec 9 00:50)
- Dragon ball Z cels for trade or sale - Ericdb (Dec 9 07:13)
- Escaflowne Cel HELP! - Josh (Dec 9 13:54)
- Gallery update - HYD and RK OVA!! - jINx (Dec 9 14:06)
- One day left - FY Miaka & Tamahome (Chinese suit) TV auction ending - jINx (Dec 9 14:11)
- Yahoo Japan auction opinion needed ... - Ayaka (Dec 9 14:26)
- A nice ending to a day. . . - Drac of the Sharp Smiles (Dec 9 15:40)
- Question about Maijin Vegeta cel - Katie (Dec 9 17:57)
- Site updated - Kenshin Cel Gallery Open. - Sy (Dec 9 18:44)
- El Hazard cels urgent sale taking offer on cels in cel gallery plus ebay auctions - Katie (Dec 9 19:35)
- Only 2 hours and 28 minutes left till Majin Vegeta cel auction ends!!*NO RESERVE* pLeAsE ReAd!! - Greg (Dec 9 20:17)
- Still taking offers on Gunnm/Battle Angel cels - tabichan (Dec 9 21:06)
- Junkjungle contest winner announced!!! :) - melissa (Dec 9 21:12)
- Cosplay! :)! (KENSHIN!) :)! - Aimee (Dec 9 22:57)
- New Tira Misu cel!! Err, for "mature" viewers.. - Misa (Dec 9 23:06)
- FUSHIGI YUUGI CELS FOR SALE - 10-35% OFF - christy (Dec 10 00:04)
- Let's play guess the cel sequence code! (i.e. I need help) - TK (Dec 10 00:57)
- TALES OF DESTINY cels - Angel 's Tears (Dec 10 03:38)
- dragonball cels for sale - marc (Dec 10 03:43)
- Lets have some fun; how do You define a newbie? - Auraraptor (Dec 10 07:40)
- Escaflowne Trivia Question. - Ryan (Dec 10 11:40)
- Nina - Megan (Dec 10 11:48)
- Sailormoon cels on ebay - larry (Dec 10 12:58)
- Lets have some fun with cels! - Himiko (Dec 10 13:14)
- FS: New cels from Bubblegum OAV, Ranma, Bastard... - Yann Stettler (Dec 10 14:31)
- I hate to ask, but is this auction seller legit? - Mara (Dec 10 15:08)
- Small site update, Bubblegum Crisis OAV, Tenchi Muyo Movie 2 Ryoko - Genom Executive (Dec 10 15:10)
- Hmm, Yahoo Japan seems to be having a brain fart right now. (no msg) - TK (Dec 10 15:52)
- Dragonball GT genga and douga - melissa (Dec 10 16:09)
- Washu cel w/bg for sale! - Bryan (Dec 10 18:26)
- DB & DBZ cel collection for sale/ Future trunks cel on E-Bay - Otakami (Dec 10 19:12)
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