Welcome to the Cels Forum!
If you are looking for cels, or if you have some
that you want to sell or trade, you can let a message
here for other person.
If you have questions regarding cels or want to share
your experience and knowledge on this subject, don't
hesitate to post on this board.
This is a free forum for anything related to anime cels !
If you are new to cels (and even if you aren't :), here is a small
Introduction to anime cels (technical FAQ)
Messages :
- speaking of VPM cels.. anyone catch the ACW update? - aethel (Nov 10 11:37)
- 4 new SM cels uploaded, and taking offers on 2 others - saxxydiva (Nov 10 15:14)
- Wheeee! I love getting getting new cels ^_^ - jINx (Nov 10 18:01)
- O_O;; Oh... my... God... - (Nov 10 20:50)
- Last day of our cels auction . - Prop_lady (Nov 10 21:09)
- FS Dragon Ball : VERY RARE MAIJIN VEGETA AGAINST GOKU SS - thierry (Nov 11 00:43)
- Updated my gallery - wndrkn (Nov 11 00:48)
- Saint Seiya cel for sale - Olivier (Nov 11 02:31)
- New update in my cels gallery : CUTE VIDEO GIRL AI - AT (Nov 11 09:54)
- I have Arslan cels on eBay- over in 1 day! - Mara (Nov 11 14:41)
- Any big FY collectors want to lend some of their knowledge to me about young subaru cels??? - Katie (Nov 11 14:44)
- Cels for sale Hayma, Brad, El hazard - Katie (Nov 11 16:05)
- Sailor Moon Dealers? Please help find more internet sites! - Nicole N (Nov 11 16:26)
- hello all few q's and introductions - mike jones (Nov 11 18:24)
- I Need Help To Identify/Translate This Unknown Cel. - Gokou (Nov 11 20:16)
- Put more cels on ebay ~ SM "Snow Queen", 2 Unmasked Larva cels, and Morrigan from Night Warriors - Harry "K" (Nov 11 20:31)
- How do you translate Japanese web pages online? - saxxydiva (Nov 11 20:32)
- You know your a cel addict when your bf brings you to see an amazing vangogh landscape at the museum and you say" nice background" **sigh** (n/t) - Jewelchan (Nov 12 06:10)
- More Unmasked Larva cels put on ebay... Amazing cels, go check em' out - Harry "K" (Nov 12 08:02)
- Awsome bonus with one of my cels - mike jones (Nov 12 13:16)
- Rescanned my cels (even bigger) and put a Washu cel up for auction. - TK (Nov 12 13:34)
- Help!! Anyone know if this page is still active?? - Aimee (Nov 12 14:54)
- I love getting new Kenshin OVA cels ^_^ - daltiz (Nov 12 15:19)
- Kenshin fans! Help me ID this Kenshin cel! - jINx (Nov 12 15:53)
- El Hazard OVA...or TV??? - (Nov 12 17:25)
- El Hazard OVA...or TV??? - (Nov 12 17:25)
- Hey people...i'm MoOoOoO33 on aim im me and we'll talk =) - Katie (Nov 12 18:27)
- Okay, can I show off, too? ^.^ (I just love this cel, ohmygod...) Guess we can call this, "What's your fav. dramatic cel?" - Lady Zatara (Nov 12 18:37)
- Slayers Cels 'n stuff - Jen (Nov 12 22:47)
- Welcome to Anime Cel Incognito -- new cels & site format - Karen Stevens (Nov 12 23:35)
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