Welcome to the Cels Forum!
If you are looking for cels, or if you have some
that you want to sell or trade, you can let a message
here for other person.
If you have questions regarding cels or want to share
your experience and knowledge on this subject, don't
hesitate to post on this board.
This is a free forum for anything related to anime cels !
If you are new to cels (and even if you aren't :), here is a small
Introduction to anime cels (technical FAQ)
Messages :
- Scramble Wars, Dragonball, and lots of Android 18 cels updated! - Taylor (Jan 24 20:39)
- hi i'm don and i'm new to this forum - hi_im_don (Jan 24 22:20)
- 14 Anime Cel Grab Bag Ending in 1 Day on EBAY. Check out the PIC - Thomas L. (Jan 24 23:46)
- Happy, happy cel day - cosplaying_melissa (Jan 24 23:50)
- Awesome DB pan cel FA SSJ Gotenks HUGE!!, Utena movie, Last Unicorn cel, Ryoko OVA & more! - Usagi's House (Jan 25 01:46)
- VegetaWolf email me! =) - Jocelyn (Jan 25 03:38)
- Oversized Ova Vegeta Cel on eBay - Steven (Jan 25 03:38)
- DBZ Quickie--Sale/Auction - Steven (Jan 25 03:57)
- DBZ Quickie--Sale/Auction - Steven (Jan 25 03:57)
- Nightmare Cel Dealer Story! Has this happened to you? - Harry "K" (Jan 25 08:36)
- My dream cel - Johann (Jan 25 10:51)
- Tenchi OP and Washu cels, auction ends today :) - Evilminion (Jan 25 13:21)
- show your best gogeta cels..... - (Jan 25 16:16)
- FA: Gundam Wing -- Wing Zero mecha cel - TK (Jan 25 17:50)
- Seeking Kei Cels (Marmalade boy) - icco uno (Jan 25 22:19)
- extremely nice ss2 gohan for sale on ebay very rare. - nlsmom (Jan 25 22:37)
- MY CEL GALLERY! New Tasuki & Koinosuke too! - Taspillow (Jan 25 22:50)
- Cels For Sale:Larva, SM, Recca, Slayers, FY, SP, etc. - Leigh (Jan 25 23:31)
- just wondering did i miss any Taro Lodoss cels, if so could some one tell me (nT) - Auraraptor (Jan 26 06:43)
- 2 NEW CELS FY at Ebay! Tasuki N' Tears & NURIKO - Avery (Jan 26 07:19)
- ASUKA LANGLEY CEL: Real or Reproduction? (Expert Advice Appreciated) - Forgive Me (Jan 26 08:57)
- Any one have Battle Athletes cels to show off? - yamato (Jan 26 09:10)
- What's the difference between a tome cel and an A-1 end cel? - Julie (Jan 26 09:49)
- Dumb question: How do you store cels of extra eyes or mouths? - Sonia Lai (Jan 26 13:12)
- Last day on really kick@$$ Dragonball Gt cel... - Mr.mono (Jan 26 13:29)
- Another dumb question: Where are the Hello Kitty cels?! - Sonia Lai (Jan 26 14:17)
- Ok much better got a cel fix... new SM R movie cels! Check em out - Harry "K" (Jan 26 14:38)
- Cels up for sale great shots of Kenshin, Kamui and Kotori from X2 - katie (Jan 26 16:57)
- Looking for Sailor Mercury/Amichan cels - Craig (Jan 26 17:48)
- Show me some cels of... - whisper (Jan 26 18:34)
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