Welcome to the Cels Forum!
If you are looking for cels, or if you have some
that you want to sell or trade, you can let a message
here for other person.
If you have questions regarding cels or want to share
your experience and knowledge on this subject, don't
hesitate to post on this board.
This is a free forum for anything related to anime cels !
If you are new to cels (and even if you aren't :), here is a small
Introduction to anime cels (technical FAQ)
Messages :
- Auctions on ebay - MoOoOoO33 (Aug 3 16:26)
- A few cels for sale. - megan (Aug 3 18:16)
- CCS and KOR cels on Yahoo Japan - thewindy (Aug 3 18:44)
- Utena Movie cel - LAST DAY - aion (Aug 3 19:38)
- Last day for Deedlit cel auction - mookyblast (Aug 3 21:49)
- Who is interested in attending Nan Desu Kan? (Colorado, 10/13-15) - oion (Aug 4 06:37)
- rurouni kenshin ova cels? - (Aug 4 09:07)
- The person who got the Dilando @ my dizzy world - Erik (Aug 4 09:47)
- My new Hana Yori Dango cels Gallery update - jINx (Aug 4 10:30)
- I feel the pain of everyoooonnee - Hachi-san (Aug 4 11:16)
- aico co deputy service-please read - mikie (Aug 4 12:13)
- Anyone buy from exCel Animation? - Suprafixx (Aug 4 13:28)
- Does anyone know what happened to Darkharbor? O_o /nt - oion (Aug 4 13:47)
- Question about Fan-Animecels? - wolf (Aug 4 13:50)
- Cel ID help please. - Kymaera (Aug 4 18:30)
- why is this so addictive??? - newceljunkie (Aug 4 19:19)
- note to saiyan wolf :) - newceljunkie (Aug 4 19:30)
- Which cels do YOU frame? - toad (Aug 4 23:56)
- Lain cel for auction - clinton (Aug 5 04:18)
- 4 amazing SM villain cels for auction on Ebay... Queen Beryl, Jadeite, Berusche, and Petz - Harry "K" (Aug 5 10:08)
- Lodoss War OVA Deedlit FS - John (Aug 5 13:01)
- Updated Gallery: Van, Dill, Ryoga, and Felicia ^_^ - Kelly (Aug 5 16:36)
- Card Captor Sakura Cels Added - JP (Aug 5 18:23)
- ACK!! Help! - Taylor (Aug 5 18:57)
- Ranma's "rare" chroma cels - Darcy (Aug 5 18:59)
- ACK!! Help! (with an actual message) - Taylor (Aug 5 18:59)
- Cels for Sale and Taking Serious Offers - xane (Aug 5 19:09)
- ATTN: MollyK, your ISP is rejecting my replies to you. n/t - Allen (Aug 5 20:01)
- Cels from SM, FY, etc on Ebay - Az (Aug 5 20:14)
- site update, only 12 this time - Karen Stevens (Aug 6 00:28)
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