Welcome to the Cels Forum!
If you are looking for cels, or if you have some
that you want to sell or trade, you can let a message
here for other person.
If you have questions regarding cels or want to share
your experience and knowledge on this subject, don't
hesitate to post on this board.
This is a free forum for anything related to anime cels !
If you are new to cels (and even if you aren't :), here is a small
Introduction to anime cels (technical FAQ)
Messages :
- AX Cel Gathering: Details and information - Brian (Jun 28 22:26)
- !BUBBLE GUM CRASH! !PEACOCK KING! - David Jerimia Mills (Jun 28 23:10)
- Before it goes up on ebay, Amano Jyaku cel FS - amanda (Jun 29 00:10)
- Looking for Zelgadis - Taylor (Jun 29 02:20)
- FS: Unico,Arslan,FY,OMG,SM, El Hazard and more. Please LOOK - Zefyr (Jun 29 07:54)
- Bends, cracks, creases, dents, dings, folds, nicks Ouch! - (Jun 29 11:27)
- Another one! "Grey" Larva FS.... - amanda (Jun 29 13:33)
- I've added three cels to my Washu Gallery :) - WashuRocks (Jun 29 17:11)
- Japanese character help? - Amanda (Jun 29 18:13)
- Non-production studio cels - Confused Collector (Jun 29 22:54)
- Where do you get acetate? - jINx (Jun 29 23:43)
- Help needed on Ebay cel - (Jun 30 01:07)
- New SM, FY, She-Ra cels For Sale - Lowered prices on previous SM cels - christy (Jun 30 02:04)
- How would one explain... (slightly OT) - Sakura (Jun 30 02:27)
- SM cels put on ebay... more to follow - Harry "K" (Jun 30 04:41)
- Who got orphen-04 from animanga? (beg!) - Jennifer A. Wand (Jun 30 06:59)
- *Sigh* Why do I torture myself -- cel ID, anybody? - wndrkn (Jun 30 10:33)
- Main page overhaul - mAJOR eRROR (Jun 30 14:38)
- dragonball z cel for sale - marc (Jun 30 16:10)
- dragonball z cel for sale - marc (Jun 30 16:12)
- Recent Taro update - Allen (Jun 30 18:22)
- FY:REALLY CUTE CHIRIKO CEL FOR SALE!! - Cordelia (Jun 30 19:16)
- My Web-page is complete!! - Hikage (Jun 30 20:35)
- WOOHOO! my cel finally came! - bunny (Jun 30 22:00)
- Update!!! ^ _ ^ - Eden (Jul 1 01:38)
- Gallery Update. new cels, new design, new sections. Need Image feedback - Hachi-san (Jul 1 03:21)
- Updated my gallery with 8 cels (I think) - Alex H. (Jul 1 04:37)
- (FS): Sorry, 1 last thing: Kuririn for sale on eBay - Alex H. (Jul 1 07:23)
- New cel to show - yui-sama! - Ryouko (Jul 1 08:02)
- New cels posted to ebay and gallery update - Zefyr (Jul 1 08:52)
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