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I was *just* talking about this.... (Thu May 29 19:44:45 2003 )
japester [View profile ]


Cel values, "making offers", and such.

I'd agree with the others here and say you 
probably made a mistake.  If you don't give 
someone a ballpark figure to shoot for, you really 
can't be nasty about a low offer (unless the buyer 
was rude about it---that's a WHOLE different 
story!).  On the flip side, would you have 
corrected the person if they offered 3x what you 
considered a fair price?  It should cut both ways.

Assigning monetary values to cels is a crazy 
science.  Just from my personal experience, I 
started collecting Tenchi cels at the absolute 
height of their popularity.  Since I was a newbie, 
I simply accepted the prices.  And it made for 
some interesting conversations when I met other 
Tenchi collectors who had cels WAAAAY better than 
mine from just a year prior.  Cels that I thought 
would cost $200-300 today were bought for $25-40. 
 So I thought they got screamingly good deals, and 
they thought I was nuts.  ^_^  And now?  Tenchi 
has dropped back down and is somewhere in the 
middle.  Hell, just look at Nick's Ryoko 
stockpile.  Cels that would have gone for 
$400-1000+ are selling for 1/4 that or less.  I 
can't figure out who has lost more in his net 
value recently, Bill Gates or Nick.  ;-)

In my own experience, I just ranted about someone 
who had a gorgeous NFS cel that they recently put 
a price on.  In my opinion, it was a really low 
price and didn't warrant the "NFS" status, either. 
 So maybe it was NFS for a sentimental reason.  
Who knows?  The point is that "NFS" doesn't 
necessarily mean it will cost an arm and a leg.

I also had a similar experience to yours.  It 
concerned a cel of mine that I would put in my top 
20 coolest cels.  I won't post it for fear of 
embarrassing the person involved, but suffice to 
say I got an e-mail saying "PLEASE!PLEASE!PLEASE! 
sell me this cel.  I can die happy with this cel!" 
 Now, I *hate* selling cels, but if someone truly 
appreciates a cel more than I do and/or offers a 
ridiculous price, I'll listen.  The person didn't 
feel comfortable making an offer, so I told them 
what I paid (snatched the cel on YJ at a very 
reasonable Buy It Now price).  Their response?  
"Wow, you got ripped off."


If I didn't know the person, I could have gotten 
very insulted.  But I knew they didn't mean it 
that way.  I replied politely, and we left it at 
that.  After a while (and some Tenchi searching of 
their own) they came back and said that maybe I'd 
gotten a decent deal after all....  :-D


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