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Re: Here's your proof bigmouth (Mon May 20 06:47:08 2002 )
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How do we know you really e-mailed Rick Alonso in the first place????

Why don't you shut the hell up, you are the one with the big mouth.  Talking all your 
crap because you can't afford the cels someone else is selling.

Go back to kissing Yann's ass for cheap, CRAPPY Outlaw Star cels.

Post the links publicly you coward!!!!!  Why can't you do that?  what is the problem??

Because I won't post my name?
Is that really an issue?  That has nothing to do with it.
Big baby!!!

You are lucky you don't know me personally because I would KICK YOUR ASS if you 
did, so consider yourself very LUCKY you don't know me or I don't know you, you little 

No where to go but down??  Please, how long have you been collecting cels? 2 
weeks and you are an expert?  Who the hell are you and where do you get off flaming 
people YOU DON'T KNOW and then have the nerve to bitch when someone gives 
you the heat.

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