I certainly don't appreciate your tone in that
post. Let me read back to you some of your own
"Defamation of character involves wrongfully
hurting a person's good reputation. The law
imposes a general duty on all persons to refrain
from making false, defamatory statements of fact
about others"
Yes, I know what libel is. However, nothing I
stated in my previous posts were in any way
inacurate or libelous. Everything I stated about
their business practices are a verifiable fact.
The rest of my statements were based on those
factual elements, and therefore don't follow
under the blanket of libel. Now, if you want to
continue to threaten me, then please do so in my
private email. But DO NOT attempt to try and
outwit me here, because I have no tolerance for
that kind of crap. Go back to reading your
textbooks and leave real life to those who know
something about it. And if you think Anime Link
should press charges of libel against me or
anyone else on this forum who dares to speak out
against something they feel is wrong, then I have
to wonder why you would even consider defending
them in the first place. I certainly don't
appreciate posts from lurkers who see an opening
to inject their brand of "wisdom" into a subject
they frankly know nothing about. If you want a
bit more credibility, stop lurking and post a tad
more frequently on this forum without threatening
its patrons. |